Union Battles in the States
posted by: Pamela | March 28, 2011, 01:40 pm   

It has been a busy few months for ASTA. More than 12 states are in various stages of advancing laws that deal with curbing union power, education reform, and forced unionism. The unions have proved that regardless of whether or not they win battles in the legislature, they will take the fight to the courts and potential ballot initiatives in the next election cycle.
Performance Pay Developments
posted by: Pamela | March 22, 2011, 11:11 am   

Performance pay continues to be one of the most hot button education reform policies being proposed by reformers and law makers across the country. Last week, Senate Bill 736 passed in Florida and is now awaiting Governor Scott's signature. Among other broad reforms, the Florida bill is one of the most progressive in terms of performance pay, also known as merit pay. It requires 50 percent of a teacher's evaluation to be based on state standardized tests or other national, local, or industry measures for those subjects not gauged at the state level and evaluations are based on four distinct levels of teacher performance.
Union Legislation Spreads across the U.S.
posted by: Pamela | March 21, 2011, 04:33 pm   

The fight in Wisconsin is far from over. Last week, Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi issued a temporary restraining order barring the new law until she can rule whether Republicans violated Wisconsin's open meetings law. While this is a setback for the Wisconsin legislation, other states are following Governor Walker's lead and are in various stages of pushing labor reform legislation.
NEA’s General Counsel Reveals True Priorities
posted by: Pamela | March 16, 2011, 08:18 am   

In July 2009, the National Education Association's General Counsel, Bob Chanin delivered a shocking speech that outlined the true priorities of the NEA: money and power. The claims were met by thunderous applause by the union leadership and members in attendance and these revelations generated significant commentary throughout the blogosphere.

Pets in the Classroom Grant Program
posted by: Pamela | March 15, 2011, 08:57 am   

Pets in the Classroom is a grants program supporting responsible pet care in grammar school classrooms across the country.  Kids benefit from exposure to pets in the classroom in ways that help to shape their lives for years to come. Pets encourage nurturing, help build self esteem, teach responsibility and pets become friends!  Our goal is to establish healthy child-pet relationships at an early age by supporting responsible pet care in grammar and middle school classrooms across the country.

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